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MyAeroClub MyAeroClub

MyAeroClubTM is web based Flying Club Software. It is an exceptional and very affordable application specifically designed for flying clubs. MyAeroClub does it all; providing website publication, club members administration & management tools.

MyAeroClub enables members logging-in to; update their personal details, viewing their flight history details, and making aircraft bookings online. An assigned administration has tools available to manage "behind the scenes" activities, like membership database, website contents, and lots more.

MyAeroClub is a 100% cloud based Flying Club Software solution, this means it can be accessed and managed from anywhere. Just think about the fact that your committee members, your instructors and your members have access to various club information from anywhere they are!

MyAeroClub is a modular software system. That means you can start low budget with e.g. only a club-website and add modules one-by-one later when required.

Due to its simple user interface, MyAeroClub is very easy to drive!

The other good thing is, that MyAeroClub advances continuously resulting in free updates and upgrades.

For more information click HERE or go to www.MyAeroClub.nz

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